I made changes to my company trade rates, how do I update my project?

When you make company-level changes to the trade rates or billing template, the changes will only apply to new projects going forward. Please read below to learn how to apply the changes to existing projects.

If the company's trade/class/rates or T&M billing template have been updated and you would like to bring in those changes to an existing project, or if you have customized the project trades/template and would like to go back to the company default, it is a simple adjustment made at the project level. 

  • Navigate to Admin > Project > Edit to open the project
  • Open the Configure Pricing button


  • If you are pulling in changes to the company's billing template, use the Select from Billing Template dropdown to change it from the project template to the company's (new) default template 

  • If you are pulling in new labor rates, click to Edit the Labor line


  • Then use the Trade Template dropdown to change it from the project template to the company's (new) default template

  • When you save changes you will be prompted to confirm if you want to apply changes to open tickets or not