This month's release includes several improvements that were suggested by our users!
Project Management: T&M
When grouping multiple T&M tickets onto a single Change Order Request, the package will now be organized as follows:
- Cover letter with total amount
- Ticket 1: Labor/Material Breakdown
- Ticket 1: signed tag
- Ticket 1: photo and signed authorization request backup, if applicable
- Ticket 2: Labor/Material Breakdown
- Ticket 2: signed tag
- Ticket 2: photo and signed authorization request backup, if applicable
- Ticket 3: Labor/Material Breakdown
...and so forth.
- On the Requests in Progress dashboard you can view who an FMR was "Requested by"
- If a project has a tax% entered, then all PO items will automatically have the tax checkbox marked. There is also a new option to "select/deselect all" tax boxes.
- When adding custom items to a Purchase Order, the Unit, Pricing and Quantity Types will default to "Each" and can be updated as needed.
- When Exporting information in PO Processing you can include to show the "Manufacturer" field on your reports.
- When the vendor "price refresh" is used, any PO items that have a corresponding item WITH price on the vendor's list will be updated, and if the vendor does not have a price for the item or the item is not on their list, the price will revert to $0.