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February 2023: Product Release

Details on the new project views on the web and mobile, relocated Account Settings, and some status changes to the Change Order Log.


"My Projects" on the desktop

This month we're excited to release a project-centric view for mobile and desktop users.  Read about the mobile update here.

There's a new "My Projects" dashboard option in the left margin where web users can view T&M and PO activity for projects they're assigned to, as well as view project details at a glance. Users with admin permissions can click on the status button to modify project settings. 

My Projects Activity and Details at a glance


The Activity Overview section displays charts and graphs to give project team members a overview of extra work costs and purchasing activity, broken down by various stages. Use the filters to adjust the date rate and other preferences, save your preferences, and click directly on the charts to access a filtered view within the corresponding module. 

Both sections can be expanded or collapsed per user preferences. 

Views will vary depending on the modules your company subscription.


Account Settings & Support Links

You can set My Projects dashboard as your default landing view in your Account Settings, now located in the top right corner along with our support links.


Change Order Log Statuses in Project Management

Project Management users will notice new statuses on the Change Order Log.  We've relabeled the "Executed" and "Change Order Issued" statuses as "Pending" and "Approved" respectively, and added a new status to help you keep track of Change Order Requests that have been "Rejected".  To mark a COR Approved or Rejected just scroll to the bottom and use the appropriate button. They can also be "Reset" back to Pending Status.

New statuses are as follows:

Pending = Change Order Request has been sent to the GC

Approved = COR has been approved and/or SCO has been received

Rejected = COR has been rejected by the GC

These pre-existing statuses have not changed:

No Charge = Sub has elected not to charge for tracked work

Tracking Only Complete = Work was tracked for internal purposes


These status coincide with the new "CO Log Report" and charts in the "My Projects" Activity Overview.  Users also have the option to include Rejected and Approved costs on the log PDF. 

Choose to show pending, approved and/or rejected costs on your change order log

Please reach out to support with any questions regarding the February release.