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Set Up Your Item Catalog

Maintain company and vendor materials in the Item Catalogue to easily add materials to T&M tickets, field reports, FMRs and Purchase Orders.

The setup of a master material list is optional but recommended. This will be the default material list for all projects, but can be modified at the project-level as well.  Learn about uploading a project-specific material list here.

Table of Contents

Customize Your View

The Item Catalog houses a master list of company and vendor materials and vendor pricing. Company items are sorted into tabs by "Item Type" into the Material, Equipment, Rentals or Tools tabs. 

Customize your view by using the Select Columns dropdown to choose what information is displayed on the dashboard, and drag to rearrange columns.

Click Save My Views to switch between multiple views with different configurations.

Import a Material List

From the menu icon at the top right, you can download the template to upload the material list, and export the list to cleanup and upload again. 

  • Navigate to Admin > Item Catalog and click on Download Template from the Menu icon

  • Open the Excel file that downloads
  • Add your material info, leave the headers and delete the Example/Instructions lines

  • The fields are as follows: (R = Required, O is optional)
Group 1 (R) - A high-level grouping of material such as Drywall or Metal
Group 2 (R) - A secondary level grouping of material such as Type X or Studs
Group 3 (R) - A third-level grouping of materials such as 5/8" or 16ga                              If you do not need three levels of subgroups (Metal/Studs/20ga) you can repeat the group name (Insulation/Insulation/Insulation) or (Paint/Primer/Primer)
Item Code (R) - A unique code for your item - this can simply be a number if you do not have reference numbers for your items, but be sure to make it unique and do not re-use it for a different item.
Item Description (R)           
Pricing Unit (R)  - Valid values are (M/C/E/P). M = per 1000, C = per 100, E = each and P = per pound. This is used in conjunction with the Quantity Unit in calculations (eg M LF if the cost is per 1,000LF
Quantity Unit (R) - This works in conjunction with the Pricing Unit to calculate material cost (EA, SF, SF, SY)
Unit Type (R) - This is the unit of measurement for the quantity entered (e.g. 200 pieces/gallons/boxes). If the Unit Type is different from the pricing/quantity units, use the Length or Factor to convert the Unit Type to match the Pricing/Quantity Units.
Factor (R) - This is a multiplier when the Unit Type differs from the Pricing Unit, eg 100 sheets of drywall that are charged/purchased by SF, use the Length field and put the width as the Factor to calculate total SF.  
Manufacturer (O) - Informational only.
T&M Price (R) - This price is used on T&M pricing and Change Order Requests.
Cost Code (O) - if you want to track your materials by cost code, enter this field.
Cost Type (O) - D/M/R/S/T D=Direct Expense, M=Material, R=Rental, S-Subcontract, T=Tools.  This field is only used with ERP integrations, if left blank it will default to M.
Modules (O) - This allows a user to specify which modules an item is used in, if left blank it will default to All.
Office Only Material (O) - Set to yes if the field does not need to see the item on the  mobile app, otherwise will default to no.
Custom PO Field 1, 2 & 3 (O) - If custom fields are defined for the company list, this item information will display on the PO.  Define the fields in the Menu icon. See below.

Item Type (O) - Used to sort material, select from Material, Equipment, Tools or Rentals and the item will show up on the respective tab. 

Image URL (O) - Not yet functional.

  • Save the material list on your desktop and Upload through the Menu icon. 
  • During the upload, if any items are improperly formatted you will be able to make updates in the window to complete the upload. 
  • Alternatively, you can add items individually via the +New Material button on the dashboard. 


Edit Materials

You can Edit (or Delete) items on the material list using the cog wheel icon on the righthand side (or the red X to delete).

  • This is how the information appears in the item details.  See description and usage above in red in the list upload section. 





Define Custom PO Fields (for Procurement customers)

  • From the Menu icon, select Edit Custom PO Fields

  • Name the fields as desired and Save

  • Once the fields are defined, you can populate the item detail on the template, or edit the items individually:

  • Custom PO Fields are also available to customize your dashboard view:

  • Custom PO Fields will display on the PDF of the Purchase Order:

custo po


Editing/Deleting Group Names

To edit or delete existing Groups 1, 2 and 3:

  • Start in Admin > Item Catalog and click  + New Material
  • Use the Cog wheel or red X next to each group name as needed
  • Save changes (without adding a new item) and all items in the group will update accordingly


Vendor Pricing on the Item Catalog

Once you have set up company materials in the Item Catalog, you can create vendor lists in the Vendor Pricing tab.  Please read the full article on vendor lists here